Hardcore Rankings: Muscle | Mysticality | Moxie | Other | Top 12 Overall | Mixed
Normal Rankings: Muscle | Mysticality | Moxie | Other | Top 12 Overall | Mixed
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The Skill Ranking Project

This page was created to help players answer that oh so important question: "What skill should I take?"

In order to answer this question, many of the best players from both hardcore and normal took the time and effort to draw up a series of lists ranking the various skills. Those lists are:

  • All of the muscle class skills

  • All of the mysticality class skills

  • All of the moxie class skills

  • All of the other skills

  • The top twelve skills overall, assuming you were not choosing classes based on the moons

  • A vote for the single worst skill in the game (Spirit of Rigatoni won in a landslide)
The raw results of each list are linked above. In addition, the "mixed" links will show you a summary of all of the data collected.

You might be asking: "Why was the data broken up like this? Is there a list that just has every skill on it?" The answer is no, there is no list of all 103 skills in ranked order. The reason for that is that most, if not all, of the players surveyed, choose which class to play each run based on the moons and not based on which skill he or she wants next (at least after getting the first few important skills out of the way). The skill lists were broken up accordingly.

Therefore, here's how I suggest using these lists:

If you are a new ascender (or new to hardcore ascending): Check out the "Top 12" list to see which skills are considered extremely important and get those first. Try to factor in the stat days when deciding exactly which skill to go for next.

If you've already acquired the basic skills: Figure out which sort of class (muscle, myst, or moxie) to ascend as based on the upcoming stat days. Then check out the skill list (either hardcore or normal, depending upon your style of play) above for those kinds of classes. Check off any skills you've already acquired and of the remaining skills, see which two or three are ranked the highest. Choose which skill and class to go for based on whichever of those skills you think is the best.