Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!
Welcome to the Art round of the Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!

Please answer the following questions and submit your answers by email.

01. One of the depictions of this shout of terror was stolen a few years ago.

02. Which American painted his mother drably?

03. Who painted many places to hide a needle?

04. Who smiles as her eyes follow you around the Louvre?

05. Which outdoor statue was one of the original seven wonders of the world?

06. What artist made a name for himself painting women with asymetrical breasts among other things?

07. Whose name is on a rotated urinal?

08. What's coming out of the fireplace with a stopped clock on the mantel?

09. This Renaissance period architect lost a door building contest but went on to build a famous dome. Name the architect and the dome.

10. Name the four Renaissance artists whose names are used in a popular 80s comic book (and later an animated TV series).

11. Who skipped of to Tahiti to do some painting and fall in love with local girls?

12. Which art gallery displayed a piece of clothing made from raw meat?

13. The jar has a crucifix inside. What else is in the jar?

14. What island features a woman with a monkey on a leash?

15. Which gallery paid good money to display shit?

16. What statue is rumored to have aquired a stain on the leg after an amourous man snuck in to the temple and consumated his passion with the stone?

17. Who left cigarette butts in his large paintings he did on the floor?

18. What sculpture depicts men "obtaining" their brides as narrated by Plutarch?

19. What statue depicts a naked giant killer?

20. Who painted many distant noctural suns?

21. Man's friend considers probabilities and facial tells in what series of paintings?

22. Who depicts a street using a bunch of squares and rectangles?

23. What sculpture had problems at Customs because they thought it was scrap metal?

24. Which museum, in 2003, installed a controversial art-piece which involved a live massacre of a living being?

25. Who is surfing naked on a mollusk?

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!