Historical Collections

star stiletto collections
as of 2016-02-26
Player    Number
Rummie    988
Daav    773
Club    666
Jeff The Barbarian    267
Aces44    236
Stargazer67    108
Wizunon    100
Mistress of the Obvious    76
TheFatMan    66
Nikademus    30
star stiletto collections
as of 2015-10-31
Player    Number
Rummie    988
Daav    773
Club    666
Jeff The Barbarian    267
Aces44    236
Stargazer67    108
Wizunon    100
TheFatMan    66
Nikademus    30
Mundania    29
star stiletto collections
as of 2007-07-09
Player    Number
Fullerene    750
Daav    536
Jeff The Barbarian    267
Stargazer67    107
Wizunon    100
Club    69
PassionFever    22
Sidus Fastidii    16
Amrothlin    13
TheBrent    12
star stiletto collections
as of 2007-03-24
Player    Number
Daav    501
Jeff The Barbarian    267
Fullerene    151
Stargazer67    107
Wizunon    100
Club    69
Sidus Fastidii    12
Wee Mad Willie    11
Tara the Inept    11
Escaflowne    10