Historical Collections

sizzling seal fat collections
as of 2017-11-08
Player    Number
HappyDeadChicken    1,409
Ketchup Monger    1,137
eegee    397
Yatsufusa    111
SpadeOfPhil    82
Club    69
Izhebel    48
Dessalvara    42
Keogh    39
LOkeyL    38
sizzling seal fat collections
as of 2015-12-17
Player    Number
HappyDeadChicken    1,141
Ketchup Monger    631
eegee    397
Yatsufusa    111
SpadeOfPhil    82
Club    69
LOkeyL    38
Mistress of the Obvious    37
Malyce    35
Seth_OS    32
sizzling seal fat collections
as of 2013-03-28
Player    Number
HappyDeadChicken    431
eegee    239
Yatsufusa    105
SpadeOfPhil    82
Club    49
LOkeyL    38
Malyce    35
Nouse    31
x_LordBloodSorrowGothRaven_x    29
Yavnik    27
sizzling seal fat collections
as of 2011-03-06
Player    Number
HappyDeadChicken    80
Club    49
LOkeyL    38
Yavnik    27
Mr Ernest    26
Burk    21
Gryphon    19
Artie Effham    17
Babaganoosh    16
Bobby Rehab    16