Historical Collections

shadowy seal eye collections
as of 2014-06-22
Player    Number
HappyDeadChicken    205
midnightwreck    114
Ketchup Monger    46
ZedINGale1    27
Wartower9    25
Scourge of Seals    24
Nikademus    16
Scattaloquarious    15
Lord Stefano    15
Skent    13
shadowy seal eye collections
as of 2012-04-25
Player    Number
midnightwreck    114
zedingale1    27
Wartower9    25
Scourge of Seals    24
Scattaloquarious    14
Naked Knight    11
Lord Stefano    10
Artie Effham    9
SpadeOfPhil    8
AltaZorn    6
shadowy seal eye collections
as of 2009-09-14
Player    Number
blahloki    5
Scattaloquarious    4
Club    2
Wile E Quixote    2
xanth    2
Splendor    2
WeLL    1
foozbat    1
Don Quai Poncerello    1
Veracity    1