Historical Collections

sea broccoli collections
as of 2017-08-30
Player    Number
chug    17,511
Dik    12,451
canniBALLS    1,563
AtlanteanScion    1,337
Lord Enzo    1,106
Nanimonai3    812
Nikademus    550
DarkSpuddle    538
eav    416
whizdad    359
sea broccoli collections
as of 2014-03-06
Player    Number
chug    17,511
Dik    12,451
canniBALLS    1,563
AtlanteanScion    1,337
Lord Enzo    1,106
Brushie    979
Nikademus    545
DarkSpuddle    538
eav    408
whizdad    344
sea broccoli collections
as of 2012-09-30
Player    Number
chug    17,511
canniBALLS    1,563
AtlanteanScion    1,337
Lord Enzo    1,106
Brushie    979
DarkSpuddle    538
Ultima67    363
john1008    311
whizdad    184
IntellectualWhore    163
sea broccoli collections
as of 2009-12-22
Player    Number
chug    5,905
Lord Enzo    1,081
DarkSpuddle    438
john1008    311
whizdad    177
IntellectualWhore    163
Artie Effham    150
Klumpenskalp    104
zmobieDementor    62
Nikademus    50