Historical Collections

scorpion whip collections
as of 2014-09-27
Player    Number
Haplo    17,781
sokerroks111    2,944
Mac_Gyver    2,541
Ulysses Katarn    780
Mizzkyttie    780
Explorifice    512
Raullen    295
Natoroid    266
Mistress of the Obvious    255
Arwenita    194
scorpion whip collections
as of 2014-01-28
Player    Number
Haplo    17,674
sokerroks111    2,944
Mac_Gyver    2,538
Ulysses Katarn    780
Mizzkyttie    780
Explorifice    512
Raullen    295
Natoroid    266
Arwenita    194
Nikademus    130
scorpion whip collections
as of 2009-06-02
Player    Number
Haplo    11,680
Mac_Gyver    2,350
Ulysses Katarn    780
Daelm    717
Mizzkyttie    391
Natoroid    266
Arwenita    193
CA Dude    122
xanth    91
Mundania    89
scorpion whip collections
as of 2008-12-11
Player    Number
Haplo    6,340
Mac_Gyver    2,100
Ulysses Katarn    780
Daelm    713
Arwenita    193
Mizzkyttie    141
CA Dude    121
xanth    90
Mundania    88
slugBoy    77
scorpion whip collections
as of 2008-07-23
Player    Number
Haplo    5,738
Mac_Gyver    2,100
Ulysses Katarn    780
Arwenita    189
Mizzkyttie    141
CA Dude    119
slugBoy    77
postalmage    76
Club    69
Teyrnon    51
scorpion whip collections
as of 2008-02-11
Player    Number
Mac_Gyver    2,100
Haplo    1,949
Ulysses Katarn    780
Arwenita    187
slugBoy    77
Club    69
Teyrnon    51
Lycaeus    49
Luc1fer    44
Brent Oberlin    23