Historical Collections

resolution: be sexier collections
as of 2018-06-02
Player    Number
Hamo_Boy    200,535
Anonymous Git    43,000
fleshy    27,258
Donavin69    16,675
StuBorn    15,947
Nanimonai2    5,563
Cryanger    5,401
Mistress of the Obvious    3,022
Otto von Cheesebiscuit    2,807
AnxiousHyrax    2,041
resolution: be sexier collections
as of 2016-12-11
Player    Number
Anonymous Git    43,000
fleshy    27,258
Donavin69    15,879
Nanimonai2    3,862
Otto von Cheesebiscuit    2,807
Mistress of the Obvious    2,222
AnxiousHyrax    2,041
testostronaut    1,984
UGZ_Log    1,727
Shoop8000    1,715
resolution: be sexier collections
as of 2012-04-07
Player    Number
Anonymous Git    2,157
Club    669
fleshy    488
Kansas_Mac    438
Otto von Cheesebiscuit    368
UGZ_Log    305
The Clown Prince of Crime    273
mflGrMp    208
Lungbutter    207
queenoftheNAUGHTiez    205