Historical Collections

mimosette collections
as of 2017-11-17
Player    Number
HackandStabby    566
Olorin    356
BrassOnes    341
agargan    312
Nanimonai3    229
Grantasaurus    199
General_Herpes    183
Mistress of the Obvious    176
abbywill    168
Dik    143
mimosette collections
as of 2014-10-31
Player    Number
Dik    143
oh em gee    69
Sosie    62
Nikademus    54
sjannien    44
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Erichwanh    26
Artie Effham    20
Thelaan    13
mimosette collections
as of 2013-02-27
Player    Number
Dik    143
oh em gee    69
Sosie    62
Nikademus    54
sjannien    44
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Erichwanh    26
Artie Effham    20
Cthulhu Kid    13
mimosette collections
as of 2011-03-17
Player    Number
Dik    143
oh em gee    69
Nikademus    52
sjannien    44
Khay    42
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Erichwanh    26
Artie Effham    20
Cthulhu Kid    13
mimosette collections
as of 2010-05-05
Player    Number
oh em gee    59
sjannien    44
Khay    42
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Erichwanh    26
Nikademus    25
Artie Effham    20
Dik    19
Cthulhu Kid    13
mimosette collections
as of 2010-02-19
Player    Number
oh em gee    59
sjannien    44
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Nikademus    25
Artie Effham    20
Dik    19
Cthulhu Kid    13
Thelaan    13
homsar biotches    11
mimosette collections
as of 2009-01-19
Player    Number
Stymee    95
oh em gee    55
sjannien    44
eibbeD    30
Mariance    29
Nikademus    25
Dik    19
Thelaan    13
qoobits    11
homsar biotches    11
mimosette collections
as of 2007-01-08
Player    Number
oh em gee    49
Mariance    29
Dik    19
Thelaan    13
qoobits    11
Tara the Inept    11
Escaflowne    10
ColtsScore    10
Lord Stefano    10
Pasta_baby    5
mimosette collections
as of 2006-12-31
Player    Number
oh em gee    49
Mariance    29
Dik    19
Thelaan    13
Tara the Inept    11
qoobits    11
ColtsScore    10
Escaflowne    10
Lord Stefano    10
Pasta_baby    5