Historical Collections

inkwell collections
as of 2016-10-26
Player    Number
Stan Maskelyne    21,770
tindrum    21,676
uberturtle    18,016
gdyetrauda    10,026
blind bandit    6,210
Farflier    5,100
raynstorm    3,611
EPsonIC    3,500
Mistress of the Obvious    2,741
Khan0106    2,611
inkwell collections
as of 2016-02-26
Player    Number
Stan Maskelyne    21,770
tindrum    21,676
uberturtle    18,016
gdyetrauda    10,026
blind bandit    6,210
Farflier    5,100
raynstorm    3,611
EPsonIC    3,500
Khan0106    2,611
Nikademus    2,572
inkwell collections
as of 2014-05-23
Player    Number
tindrum    21,676
uberturtle    18,016
Stan Maskelyne    17,879
gdyetrauda    10,026
blind bandit    6,210
eav    3,785
raynstorm    3,611
EPsonIC    3,500
Khan0106    2,611
EmphalerFish    2,556
inkwell collections
as of 2013-09-25
Player    Number
tindrum    21,126
uberturtle    18,016
gdyetrauda    10,026
blind bandit    6,210
eav    3,785
raynstorm    3,611
EPsonIC    3,500
Khan0106    2,611
EmphalerFish    2,556
Nikademus    2,513
inkwell collections
as of 2011-07-22
Player    Number
Tindrum    21,027
uberturtle    18,016
blind bandit    6,210
raynstorm    3,611
Epsonic    3,500
Khan0106    2,611
SgtGemini    2,210
DerMagus    1,413
sfwarlock    1,144
Poncho the Sane    955
inkwell collections
as of 2010-08-16
Player    Number
uberturtle    18,016
blind bandit    6,210
raynstorm    3,611
Epsonic    3,500
SgtGemini    2,210
DerMagus    1,413
Khan0106    1,347
sfwarlock    1,144
bob128    866
CA Dude    825
inkwell collections
as of 2010-06-26
Player    Number
uberturtle    18,016
blind bandit    6,210
raynstorm    3,607
Epsonic    3,500
SgtGemini    2,210
DerMagus    1,413
sfwarlock    1,144
bob128    866
CA Dude    825
Landar    749
inkwell collections
as of 2008-04-11
Player    Number
blind bandit    5,378
raynstorm    4,632
SgtGemini    2,210
bob128    866
CA Dude    778
Landar    749
ErisDiscordia    458
Sir Isaac Newton    369
Zolg    347
Club    333
inkwell collections
as of 2008-03-13
Player    Number
blind bandit    5,378
raynstorm    4,632
SgtGemini    2,210
bob128    866
CA Dude    774
Landar    749
ErisDiscordia    458
Sir Isaac Newton    369
Zolg    343
Club    333
inkwell collections
as of 2007-11-06
Player    Number
blind bandit    5,378
raynstorm    4,620
SgtGemini    2,210
bob128    866
CA Dude    769
Landar    749
ErisDiscordia    456
Sir Isaac Newton    369
Zolg    342
Donnamatricks    201
inkwell collections
as of 2007-02-12
Player    Number
SgtGemini    2,210
Agenda Suicide    1,607
blind bandit    1,485
bob128    791
Brent Oberlin    588
Landar    379
ErisDiscordia    233
Donnamatricks    201
raynstorm    159
eggpants    151
inkwell collections
as of 2007-02-11
Player    Number
SgtGemini    2,210
Agenda Suicide    1,607
blind bandit    1,485
bob128    791
Brent Oberlin    567
Landar    379
ErisDiscordia    233
Donnamatricks    201
eggpants    151
CA Dude    123
inkwell collections
as of 2007-01-27
Player    Number
blind bandit    1,485
bob128    791
Brent Oberlin    567
Donnamatricks    201
ErisDiscordia    179
eggpants    151
raynstorm    111
SnowAngel    100
CA Dude    91
bIblIO1    90
inkwell collections
as of 2006-12-03
Player    Number
blind bandit    1,485
bob128    784
Brent Oberlin    227
Donnamatricks    201
ErisDiscordia    152
eggpants    151
raynstorm    111
Zolg    87
HintRabbit    69
The Hogfather    62