Historical Collections

imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2018-02-04
Player    Number
TechRat    21
The Weretree    15
Dik    10
WhopperJr    7
Lord Stefano    7
IntellectualWhore    6
Sherm Firmwood    6
PandaPants    5
Gyada13    5
KoL Miners Daughter    4
imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2013-12-05
Player    Number
TechRat    21
The Weretree    15
Dik    10
WhopperJr    7
IntellectualWhore    6
Artie Effham    4
Lord Stefano    4
KoL Miners Daughter    3
TastesLikeChicken    3
ElVatoLoco    3
imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2012-11-27
Player    Number
TechRat    20
The Weretree    14
IntellectualWhore    6
Lord Stefano    4
Artie Effham    4
TastesLikeChicken    3
KoL Miners Daughter    3
ElVatoLoco    3
Zermelo    3
Farflier    3
imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2012-03-19
Player    Number
TechRat    20
IntellectualWhore    6
Lord Stefano    4
Artie Effham    4
DarkSpuddle    3
Farflier    3
Fossa    3
Zermelo    3
KoL Miners Daughter    3
TastesLikeChicken    3
imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2011-10-02
Player    Number
TechRat    20
IntellectualWhore    6
Artie Effham    4
Lord Stefano    4
Farflier    3
Mitza    3
ElVatoLoco    3
KoL Miners Daughter    3
Zermelo    3
Fossa    3
imitation crab zoea collections
as of 2009-09-22
Player    Number
Coulrophobia    15
IntellectualWhore    7
Diatonic    3
DarkMaiden    3
teddybear123    3
Wile E Quixote    2
Archipelago71    2
ElVatoLoco    2
evilstevie    2
Valarauko    2