Historical Collections

hot daub collections
as of 2018-04-16
Player    Number
Aramada    1,714
Stonecat    369
mjn73178    298
wile E Quixote    256
Rejem    220
EdFox    193
whizdad    170
Dik    170
biGNINJa    160
Mistress of the Obvious    160
hot daub collections
as of 2014-12-28
Player    Number
Aramada    1,714
Stonecat    369
mjn73178    298
wile E Quixote    256
Rejem    220
EdFox    193
Dik    170
biGNINJa    160
Sololord    147
StrongbadfanEX    145
hot daub collections
as of 2012-12-03
Player    Number
Farflier    1,331
Stonecat    369
mjn73178    298
wile E Quixote    256
Rejem    220
EdFox    193
BigNinja    160
Sololord    147
StrongbadfanEX    145
Maguma    139
hot daub collections
as of 2012-09-09
Player    Number
Farflier    1,331
Stonecat    369
mjn73178    298
wile E Quixote    256
Rejem    221
EdFox    193
BigNinja    160
Sololord    147
StrongbadfanEX    145
Maguma    139