Historical Collections

hellion cube collections
as of 2014-05-28
Player    Number
Hellion    107,057
whizdad    4,243
Poncho the Sane    1,501
BenzDoc    1,220
G13    981
unknownZ    833
Club    666
agargan    623
Magister30    618
DaBaddestHic    609
hellion cube collections
as of 2012-06-26
Player    Number
Hellion    72,007
Poncho the Sane    1,490
BenzDoc    1,220
unknownZ    833
Club    666
DaBaddestHic    609
Artie Effham    551
agargan    533
Pastahead    504
Magister30    465
hellion cube collections
as of 2008-10-09
Player    Number
Hellion    50,000
Club    666
unknownZ    634
whizdad    501
thebanjoman    404
Necrophage    400
Pastahead    337
LiamAndMe    335
CrispEaterz    327
Nikademus    325
hellion cube collections
as of 2008-02-10
Player    Number
Hellion    39,796
Club    666
unknownZ    614
iRONstINg    406
thebanjoman    404
Necrophage    400
LiamAndMe    335
Pastahead    329
CrispEaterz    327
Luc1fer    292
hellion cube collections
as of 2007-12-06
Player    Number
Hellion    37,844
BioHazardMan    1,194
Club    666
unknownZ    614
iRONstINg    406
thebanjoman    404
Necrophage    400
poncho the sane    351
LiamAndMe    335
CrispEaterz    327