Historical Collections

grass hat collections
as of 2018-02-24
Player    Number
Pastahead    242
tHe_pOst    200
Raullen    115
Mistress of the Obvious    37
Dik    34
Slizer    20
Artie Effham    16
Dave of the Hill People    15
Duceswild    12
Tara the Inept    11
grass hat collections
as of 2017-12-01
Player    Number
tHe_pOst    200
Raullen    115
Mistress of the Obvious    37
Dik    34
Slizer    20
Artie Effham    16
Dave of the Hill People    15
Duceswild    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
grass hat collections
as of 2014-08-12
Player    Number
tHe_pOst    200
Raullen    115
Dik    34
Mitch122    32
Slizer    20
Artie Effham    16
Dave of the Hill People    15
Duceswild    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
grass hat collections
as of 2010-01-25
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Dave of the Hill People    15
Duceswild    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
monopolyman001    11
Ewie    10
buglovin    10
Escaflowne    10
grass hat collections
as of 2008-09-25
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Duceswild    12
Dave of the Hill People    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
monopolyman001    11
Ewie    10
buglovin    10
Escaflowne    10
grass hat collections
as of 2008-03-29
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Bitter Hawk    12
Dave of the Hill People    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
Ewie    10
buglovin    10
Escaflowne    10
Lord Stefano    10
grass hat collections
as of 2007-11-27
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Bitter Hawk    12
Dave of the Hill People    12
Tara the Inept    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
Ewie    10
buglovin    10
Escaflowne    10
Lord Stefano    10
grass hat collections
as of 2006-11-06
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Bitter Hawk    12
Dave of the Hill People    12
Tara the Inept    11
SimonTheFlatulent    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Rammstein09    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
burtonvelocity    11
buglovin    10
grass hat collections
as of 2006-10-30
Player    Number
Slizer    20
Bitter Hawk    12
Dave of the Hill People    12
Tara the Inept    11
SimonTheFlatulent    11
Clubbrz L337    11
Rammstein09    11
Ragin_Rigatoni    11
burtonvelocity    11
buglovin    10