Historical Collections

giant fishhook collections
as of 2018-12-06
Player    Number
Mistress of the Obvious    42
Dik    24
the_loath_ranger    13
Artie Effham    12
Archipelago71    11
Bert of the Northwest    11
Donavin69    11
Lord Stefano    10
Nikademus    7
santifaller    6
giant fishhook collections
as of 2016-12-04
Player    Number
Mistress of the Obvious    42
Dik    24
Artie Effham    12
Archipelago71    11
Bert of the Northwest    11
Donavin69    11
Lord Stefano    10
the_loath_ranger    8
Nikademus    7
santifaller    6
giant fishhook collections
as of 2014-08-16
Player    Number
Dik    24
Artie Effham    12
Bert of the Northwest    11
Archipelago71    11
Lord Stefano    10
the_loath_ranger    8
Nikademus    7
santifaller    6
DarkSpuddle    4
canniBALLS    4
giant fishhook collections
as of 2013-09-13
Player    Number
Dik    24
Artie Effham    12
Bert of the Northwest    11
Archipelago71    11
Lord Stefano    10
the_loath_ranger    8
Nikademus    7
santifaller    6
DarkSpuddle    4
canniBALLS    3
giant fishhook collections
as of 2013-01-03
Player    Number
Dik    24
Artie Effham    12
Bert of the Northwest    11
Archipelago71    11
Lord Stefano    10
the_loath_ranger    8
Nikademus    7
santifaller    6
DarkSpuddle    4
Drewsie    3
giant fishhook collections
as of 2010-11-22
Player    Number
Artie Effham    12
Lord Stefano    10
Nikademus    6
santifaller    6
the_loath_ranger    5
DarkSpuddle    4
Drewsie    3
Mundania    3
dumpybabe    2
jcrkk    2
giant fishhook collections
as of 2010-06-01
Player    Number
Artie Effham    12
Fart Smeller    8
the_loath_ranger    5
DarkSpuddle    4
Drewsie    3
Mundania    3
lupus4    2
Kneegrow    2
dumpybabe    2
jcrkk    2
giant fishhook collections
as of 2009-04-15
Player    Number
DarkSpuddle    4
Mundania    3
Drewsie    3
jcrkk    2
ElVatoLoco    1
Myspace_will_end_the_world    1
raynstorm    1
Retro_Thrusters    1
chaosagent    1
Mynar    1