Historical Collections

furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2019-02-05
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Mistress of the Obvious    15
Nikademus    12
Lord Stefano    11
Tara the Inept    11
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2016-11-01
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Mistress of the Obvious    15
Nikademus    12
Lord Stefano    11
Tara the Inept    11
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2016-09-28
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Mistress of the Obvious    15
Nikademus    12
Tara the Inept    11
prettyevilamber    11
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2015-12-29
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
Mistress of the Obvious    15
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    12
prettyevilamber    11
Donavin69    11
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2014-04-19
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    12
Tara the Inept    11
prettyevilamber    11
Mongrel the Apathetic    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2013-05-06
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    52
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    12
Tara the Inept    11
prettyevilamber    11
Mongrel the Apathetic    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2013-01-08
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Dik    51
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    12
prettyevilamber    11
Tara the Inept    11
Escaflowne    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2012-12-27
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
TheFatMan    45
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    12
Tara the Inept    11
prettyevilamber    11
Escaflowne    10
Mongrel the Apathetic    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2011-05-29
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
Mongrel the Apathetic    20
GhostRider    15
prettyevilamber    11
Nikademus    11
Tara the Inept    11
Lord Stefano    10
Escaflowne    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2010-05-22
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Artie Effham    36
TurtleGirlPower    23
Mongrel the Apathetic    20
GhostRider    15
Nikademus    11
prettyevilamber    11
Tara the Inept    11
Lord Stefano    10
Escaflowne    10
furry green earmuffs collections
as of 2009-05-16
Player    Number
ShadowFox    94
Artie Effham    35
TurtleGirlPower    23
Mongrel the Apathetic    20
GhostRider    15
Tara the Inept    11
prettyevilamber    11
Nikademus    10
Lord Stefano    10
Escaflowne    10