Historical Collections

fossilized necklace collections
as of 2017-06-25
Player    Number
Eleron    2
NightRipper    1
Parco Molo    1
Gnocchi Masala    1
Tom808    1
Aro CantCatchABreak    1
The_Thin_White_Duke    1
The_Slayer_of_all    1
Leopold Jimmleson    1
The Weretree    1
fossilized necklace collections
as of 2012-11-04
Player    Number
Eleron    2
Noskilz    1
Rokov    1
PlastikObst    1
Zumacher    1
CaitiffsEros    1
lacucarachadefuego    1
BabyBees    1
IngaTBW    1
Eroquin    1
fossilized necklace collections
as of 2012-03-26
Player    Number
Eleron    2
Club    1
Bristelle    1
poopslAve    1
raynstorm    1
Immelan    1
Augon    1
Isukuno    1
TheArtfulDodger    1
helot    1
fossilized necklace collections
as of 2011-03-15
Player    Number
Eleron    2
Hojo Hominygrits    1
Sinister Loathing    1
Agburanar    1
Krustofski    1
shawngus    1
Jpatton    1
DrEvi1    1
slugman    1
Lanth    1