Historical Collections

figurine of a charred seal collections
as of 2014-04-10
Player    Number
charred    1,007
Mistress of the Obvious    135
Famous J    131
Club    111
Jef    100
Mr Ernest    96
whizdad    96
testostronaut    81
nimrod_1    77
Triplebass    74
figurine of a charred seal collections
as of 2012-07-15
Player    Number
charred    510
Abnegazzar    223
Famous J    112
Club    111
Jef    100
Mr Ernest    95
testostronaut    81
nimrod_1    76
Jayne    72
Rev Razna    67
figurine of a charred seal collections
as of 2011-08-28
Player    Number
charred    163
Abnegazzar    149
Club    111
Jef    100
Mr Ernest    81
testostronaut    81
nimrod_1    76
Jayne    72
Rev Razna    67
Raven Darkchild    63