Historical Collections

dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra collections
as of 2018-05-18
Player    Number
Dik    514
crusader06    289
vainpity    202
Ninja Karl    194
Mistress of the Obvious    184
Nikademus    123
DaisyDewk    118
Athanatos    111
Darkling    100
caducus    100
dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra collections
as of 2016-12-13
Player    Number
Dik    514
crusader06    249
vainpity    202
Ninja Karl    194
Mistress of the Obvious    168
Nikademus    123
DaisyDewk    118
Darkling    100
caducus    100
Phaete    93
dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra collections
as of 2011-07-21
Player    Number
Dik    511
vainpity    202
Ninja Karl    194
DaisyDewk    118
Darkling    100
Phaete    93
Nikademus    55
Mundania    44
xanth    43
Elranthan    34
dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra collections
as of 2010-08-03
Player    Number
Dik    511
vainpity    202
Ninja Karl    194
DaisyDewk    118
Phaete    93
Nikademus    55
Mundania    44
xanth    43
Elranthan    34
BanditAlt    33
dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra collections
as of 2009-01-02
Player    Number
Dik    490
vainpity    202
Ninja Karl    194
DaisyDewk    115
Phaete    93
Nikademus    47
Mundania    44
xanth    43
Elranthan    34
artist_bee    34