Historical Collections

dusty sixth caudal vertebra collections
as of 2016-09-05
Player    Number
Dik    467
vainpity    386
crusader06    324
Mistress of the Obvious    200
Phaete    161
Ninja Karl    139
Nikademus    122
DaisyDewk    109
Pastahead    103
Darkling    100
dusty sixth caudal vertebra collections
as of 2016-07-29
Player    Number
Dik    467
vainpity    386
crusader06    324
Mistress of the Obvious    200
Phaete    161
Ninja Karl    139
Nikademus    122
DaisyDewk    109
Pastahead    103
Darkling    100
dusty sixth caudal vertebra collections
as of 2014-05-11
Player    Number
Dik    467
vainpity    386
crusader06    193
Phaete    161
Ninja Karl    139
Nikademus    121
DaisyDewk    109
Darkling    100
Mundania    51
xanth    47
dusty sixth caudal vertebra collections
as of 2014-02-23
Player    Number
Dik    467
vainpity    386
Phaete    161
Ninja Karl    139
crusader06    130
Nikademus    121
DaisyDewk    109
Darkling    100
Mundania    51
xanth    47
dusty sixth caudal vertebra collections
as of 2008-08-05
Player    Number
Dik    439
vainpity    386
Phaete    161
Ninja Karl    139
DaisyDewk    105
Elranthan    32
Tiny Plastic RicFule    23
BanditAlt    22
Boris52    21
Friznik    19