Historical Collections

dusty sacral vertebrae collections
as of 2017-12-02
Player    Number
Angry Villager    624
Dik    447
crusader06    327
Miakel    188
Mistress of the Obvious    182
Nikademus    169
PixieRy    133
DaisyDewk    113
Ninja Karl    110
TheSilentMantis    102
dusty sacral vertebrae collections
as of 2016-08-30
Player    Number
Angry Villager    624
Dik    447
crusader06    302
Miakel    188
Mistress of the Obvious    182
Nikademus    169
PixieRy    133
DaisyDewk    113
Ninja Karl    110
TheSilentMantis    102
dusty sacral vertebrae collections
as of 2010-05-12
Player    Number
Angry Villager    477
Dik    418
Miakel    188
PixieRy    133
DaisyDewk    113
Ninja Karl    110
TheSilentMantis    102
Phaete    86
Elranthan    27
Tiny Plastic RicFule    25
dusty sacral vertebrae collections
as of 2008-05-01
Player    Number
Dik    415
Angry Villager    314
Miakel    155
Ninja Karl    110
DaisyDewk    105
TheSilentMantis    102
Phaete    86
Elranthan    27
Tiny Plastic RicFule    25
Gunny Roxx    24