Historical Collections

dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2016-11-29
Player    Number
Ivanuk    607
MrStickman    417
Sajer the Forgotten    415
Miakel    266
brent ObeRLin    233
DefHes    201
Dik    193
crusader06    169
Mistress of the Obvious    136
breakingballs    133
dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2013-10-14
Player    Number
Ivanuk    607
MrStickman    417
Sajer the Forgotten    385
Miakel    266
brent ObeRLin    233
DefHes    201
Dik    193
breakingballs    133
DaisyDewk    103
Darkling    100
dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2011-03-21
Player    Number
Ivanuk    603
MrStickman    417
Miakel    266
brent ObeRLin    233
DefHes    201
Dik    190
breakingballs    132
DaisyDewk    103
Darkling    100
Ninja Karl    96
dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2009-07-17
Player    Number
Ivanuk    603
MrStickman    417
Miakel    266
BrEnt oBErlin    233
DefHes    201
Dik    174
DaisyDewk    103
Ninja Karl    96
Phaete    76
Elranthan    32
dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2007-05-27
Player    Number
Ivanuk    354
Brent Oberlin    233
DefHes    201
Dik    98
Ninja Karl    85
ZeroDoodle    84
Phaete    76
DaisyDewk    56
Elranthan    32
Boris52    23
dusty right kneecap collections
as of 2007-05-16
Player    Number
Ivanuk    335
Brent Oberlin    233
DefHes    201
Posen    101
Dik    98
ZeroDoodle    84
Phaete    76
Ninja Karl    76
DaisyDewk    51
Elranthan    32