Historical Collections

dusty left sixth rib collections
as of 2012-11-17
Player    Number
Ninja Karl    201
vainpity    200
Phaete    130
Dik    124
DaisyDewk    107
Darkling    100
SnowAngel    100
TheDotGamer    97
Nikademus    91
xanth    58
dusty left sixth rib collections
as of 2010-09-24
Player    Number
Ninja Karl    201
vainpity    200
Phaete    130
Dik    124
DaisyDewk    107
SnowAngel    100
TheDotGamer    97
Nikademus    91
xanth    58
Mundania    52
dusty left sixth rib collections
as of 2010-01-10
Player    Number
Ninja Karl    201
vainpity    200
Phaete    130
Dik    107
DaisyDewk    107
SnowAngel    100
TheDotGamer    97
Nikademus    86
xanth    58
Mundania    52
dusty left sixth rib collections
as of 2009-05-14
Player    Number
Ninja Karl    201
vainpity    200
Phaete    130
Dik    107
DaisyDewk    102
SnowAngel    100
TheDotGamer    97
Nikademus    86
xanth    58
Mundania    52
dusty left sixth rib collections
as of 2007-09-10
Player    Number
Ninja Karl    201
vainpity    132
Phaete    130
SnowAngel    100
TheDotGamer    91
Dik    69
DaisyDewk    69
Elranthan    34
BanditAlt    24
Boris52    21