Historical Collections

dishrag collections
as of 2018-08-29
Player    Number
TastesLikeChicken    1,447
LunchLady    1,338
Raullen    1,247
Pastahead    1,161
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Justice1234    418
Mistress of the Obvious    318
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
dishrag collections
as of 2018-03-29
Player    Number
TastesLikeChicken    1,447
LunchLady    1,338
Raullen    1,247
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Justice1234    418
Mistress of the Obvious    318
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
prETty    209
dishrag collections
as of 2017-04-22
Player    Number
TastesLikeChicken    1,447
LunchLady    1,338
Raullen    1,247
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Justice1234    418
Mistress of the Obvious    318
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
prETty    209
dishrag collections
as of 2016-09-06
Player    Number
LunchLady    1,338
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Raullen    608
Justice1234    418
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
prETty    209
Nikademus    170
Luc1fer    155
dishrag collections
as of 2013-03-06
Player    Number
LunchLady    1,338
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Raullen    608
Justice1234    418
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
prETty    209
Luc1fer    155
TurtleGirlPower    121
dishrag collections
as of 2010-10-23
Player    Number
LunchLady    1,336
Darth_Noodle    1,105
Jippofarmer    832
Justice1234    418
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
prETty    209
TurtleGirlPower    121
Luc1fer    110
Club    69
dishrag collections
as of 2010-07-16
Player    Number
Darth_Noodle    1,105
LunchLady    775
Justice1234    418
Arwenita    265
brent ObeRLin    244
Violet42    150
TurtleGirlPower    121
Luc1fer    110
Club    69
xanth    59