Historical Collections

devilish folio collections
as of 2018-08-03
Player    Number
FatCatPeter    37,540
Mac_Gyver    5,382
Wheremydemonslie    2,006
Mistress of the Obvious    1,499
No One    1,466
Solve_Omnis    1,334
Poncho the Sane    1,178
Nikademus    1,031
caducus    1,000
Noskilz    956
devilish folio collections
as of 2017-10-30
Player    Number
FatCatPeter    37,540
Mac_Gyver    5,382
Wheremydemonslie    2,006
No One    1,466
Mistress of the Obvious    1,399
Solve_Omnis    1,334
Poncho the Sane    1,171
Nikademus    1,031
caducus    1,000
Noskilz    956
devilish folio collections
as of 2013-12-31
Player    Number
FatCatPeter    31,283
Mac_Gyver    2,628
No One    1,466
Dik    842
whizdad    804
Solve_Omnis    697
Tibbiara    668
agargan    652
Scattaloquarious    635
Poncho the Sane    559
devilish folio collections
as of 2012-12-02
Player    Number
FatCatPeter    4,643
Mac_Gyver    1,004
No One    628
caducus    530
Tibbiara    516
staygold    500
Magister30    421
agargan    416
sk1j    400
Anonymous Git    365