Historical Collections

demonskin trousers collections
as of 2017-11-30
Player    Number
Bubba321    2,302
deusnoctum    2,200
Club    469
MultiMonkey    266
Mistress of the Obvious    226
Nikademus    197
Playtoe    189
Raullen    143
JekCromium    141
Rhomboidal    134
demonskin trousers collections
as of 2017-01-13
Player    Number
Bubba321    2,302
deusnoctum    2,200
Club    469
MultiMonkey    266
Nikademus    197
Playtoe    189
JekCromium    141
Rhomboidal    134
Mistress of the Obvious    126
TheFatMan    114
demonskin trousers collections
as of 2016-08-20
Player    Number
Bubba321    2,302
deusnoctum    2,200
Club    469
MultiMonkey    266
Nikademus    197
Playtoe    189
JekCromium    141
Rhomboidal    134
TheFatMan    114
Napoleon17    87
demonskin trousers collections
as of 2008-05-31
Player    Number
Bubba321    2,302
MultiMonkey    247
Dr McKillington    165
JekCromium    141
Nitocris    91
Quisalas    69
Club    69
L4ckey    40
Napoleon17    34
Geckon    31
demonskin trousers collections
as of 2007-09-28
Player    Number
Bubba321    2,300
Dr McKillington    165
MultiMonkey    159
Nitocris    91
Quisalas    69
Club    69
L4ckey    40
Napoleon17    34
Geckon    31
ShadowFox    30
demonskin trousers collections
as of 2007-04-05
Player    Number
SolarFlare    7
BoozerBear    4
skipperic    2
There are some that cal me Tim    2
mick    2
meggery    2
LadyVamp    2
BeefBurglar    2
Bitter Hawk    1
centilAbiS    1