Historical Collections

costume sword collections
as of 2018-10-09
Player    Number
Raullen    5,462
turBO Turtle    852
ayyo    808
jenrose    334
Dik    323
Bastil    300
Mistress of the Obvious    244
JCS    132
Finula    111
Wee Mad Willie    100
costume sword collections
as of 2017-08-02
Player    Number
turBO Turtle    852
Raullen    829
ayyo    808
jenrose    334
Dik    323
Bastil    300
JCS    132
Finula    111
Wee Mad Willie    100
Darkling    100
costume sword collections
as of 2014-01-18
Player    Number
turBO Turtle    852
ayyo    808
jenrose    334
Raullen    327
Dik    323
Bastil    300
JCS    132
Finula    111
Wee Mad Willie    100
Darkling    100
costume sword collections
as of 2013-05-16
Player    Number
turBO Turtle    852
ayyo    808
jenrose    334
Raullen    327
Dik    323
Bastil    300
JCS    132
Finula    111
Wee Mad Willie    100
Darkling    100
costume sword collections
as of 2009-03-08
Player    Number
turBO Turtle    852
SyntheticSoul    500
Dik    319
Bastil    300
Finula    111
Wee Mad Willie    100
Dragon Master knight    49
a boy and his cutlass    48
jimmy_hoffa    37
Mundania    24
costume sword collections
as of 2008-04-18
Player    Number
Dik    319
Wee Mad Willie    100
Bastil    62
Dragon Master knight    49
jimmy_hoffa    37
Ana    31
a boy and his cutlass    21
Indiana Etter    13
spooky kid    11
Lord Stefano    10