Historical Collections

cool mushroom casserole collections
as of 2018-07-22
Player    Number
Spanky McSpankenheim    2,748
Mistress of the Obvious    303
Dik    230
Skent    163
Stormkeeper    115
caducus    100
Scattaloquarious    80
Nikademus    74
whizdad    65
AlmAlphiA    59
cool mushroom casserole collections
as of 2012-11-19
Player    Number
Spanky McSpankenheim    2,748
Skent    162
Scattaloquarious    79
Nikademus    71
whizdad    60
AlmAlphiA    59
MadddddDog    56
SesameSt79    56
Far Fallen    55
Lungbutter    55
cool mushroom casserole collections
as of 2007-01-22
Player    Number
Spanky McSpankenheim    1,884
AlmAlphiA    59
Mossimus    46
IntellectualPanther    42
Tara the Inept    41
Far Fallen    31
Amandas_Lover    28
eTernalwITnesS    27
StrawberryLetter23    26
Dakios    23
cool mushroom casserole collections
as of 2006-05-28
Player    Number
rusty404    63
AlmAlphiA    59
PrinceCapsaicin    42
IntellectualPanther    42
Tara the Inept    41
owlspiderwoman    33
Mossimus    29
eTernalwITnesS    27
StrawberryLetter23    26
eapers    23
cool mushroom casserole collections
as of 2006-02-12
Player    Number
Tara the Inept    41
owlspiderwoman    33
Far Fallen    23
Zicon5    22
LadyBoobsalot    20
Zolg    12
Paintball09    11
spooky kid    11
Nightmist    10
gargirl    10