Historical Collections

clockwork sword collections
as of 2016-08-05
Player    Number
Wee Mad Willie    100
art    58
Mistress of the Obvious    27
Nikademus    17
pLaster    16
Thelaan    13
Dik    13
Lord Stefano    12
Tara the Inept    11
spooky kid    11
clockwork sword collections
as of 2016-01-28
Player    Number
Wee Mad Willie    100
art    58
Mistress of the Obvious    27
Nikademus    17
pLaster    16
Dik    13
Thelaan    13
Lord Stefano    12
spooky kid    11
DrewT    11
clockwork sword collections
as of 2013-06-27
Player    Number
Wee Mad Willie    100
art    58
pLaster    16
Thelaan    13
Lord Stefano    12
spooky kid    11
Tara the Inept    11
DrewT    11
Nikademus    11
Mongrel the Apathetic    10
clockwork sword collections
as of 2007-05-28
Player    Number
art    58
Escaflowne    20
plaster    16
Thelaan    13
Wee Mad Willie    12
Tara the Inept    11
Mongrel the Apathetic    10
Troggdor    9
JewDude2    6
Retro_Thrusters    5
clockwork sword collections
as of 2006-09-26
Player    Number
art    27
Wee Mad Willie    11
Escaflowne    10
Tara the Inept    10
Conrad de Boogie    5
Retro_Thrusters    5
Zone    4
Chartan    3
sanjisangel    3
Zete    2
clockwork sword collections
as of 2006-09-18
Player    Number
art    27
Wee Mad Willie    11
Tara the Inept    10
Conrad de Boogie    5
Retro_Thrusters    5
sanjisangel    3
Chartan    3
annu    2
TullyLao    2
Zete    2