Historical Collections

clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2017-07-15
Player    Number
caducus    100
Artie Effham    35
Ucibius    32
Nikademus    21
Dik    20
Elrobholio    18
Cthulhu Kid    13
Tara the Inept    11
Sondroch    11
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2011-06-18
Player    Number
Artie Effham    35
Ucibius    32
SesameSt79    23
Dik    20
Elrobholio    18
Cthulhu Kid    13
spooky kid    11
DrewT    11
Sondroch    11
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2010-09-14
Player    Number
Artie Effham    35
Ucibius    32
SesameSt79    23
Dik    20
Elrobholio    18
Cthulhu Kid    13
Tara the Inept    11
DrewT    11
spooky kid    11
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2008-04-17
Player    Number
Elrobholio    18
dobbo    16
Artie Effham    15
Sondroch    11
Tara the Inept    11
spooky kid    11
Escaflowne    10
Lord Stefano    10
Destaven Fireheart    10
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2007-02-20
Player    Number
Artie Effham    15
Tara the Inept    11
Sondroch    11
Escaflowne    10
Destaven Fireheart    10
LittleItalia    7
Spatacus    7
Sir Boogie Knight    7
Uurson    6
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2006-11-18
Player    Number
Artie Effham    15
Sondroch    11
Tara the Inept    11
Destaven Fireheart    10
Escaflowne    10
LittleItalia    7
Sir Boogie Knight    7
Spatacus    7
Uurson    6
clockwork clockwise dome collections
as of 2006-09-08
Player    Number
Tara the Inept    11
Sondroch    11
Destaven Fireheart    10
Escaflowne    10
Sir Boogie Knight    6
Uurson    6
Retro_Thrusters    5
Droidlocks    4
LittleItalia    4