Historical Collections

breath mint collections
as of 2017-03-25
Player    Number
Pronell    32,768
Yatsufusa    32,360
Savage Henri    4,500
superfoot    2,439
Artie Effham    2,093
mule1    2,000
Chyld    1,975
Fronobulax    1,895
Mistress of the Obvious    1,724
harryposse    1,567
breath mint collections
as of 2012-06-09
Player    Number
Pronell    11,111
Savage Henri    4,200
Yatsufusa    2,747
superfoot    2,439
Artie Effham    1,284
harryposse    1,009
Mars the Infomage    889
Club    705
Seventh    599
hotdeth    349
breath mint collections
as of 2010-07-18
Player    Number
Pronell    9,000
Savage Henri    5,000
superfoot    2,354
Icy Elemental    1,763
Artie Effham    896
Mars the Infomage    601
whizdad    586
Crimbo Bandito    440
Chyld    391
Club    381