Historical Collections

boozebomb collections
as of 2014-03-05
Player    Number
Xortag    315
Darkling    100
Dik    84
Yatsufusa    69
LeafRivr    49
Mistress of the Obvious    37
crystal_ingram    27
Noskilz    20
PokeyMan    13
Lord_of_Ants    11
boozebomb collections
as of 2013-12-01
Player    Number
Xortag    315
Darkling    100
Dik    84
Yatsufusa    69
LeafRivr    49
crystal_ingram    27
Noskilz    20
PokeyMan    13
Archipelago71    11
Lord_of_Ants    11
boozebomb collections
as of 2012-12-11
Player    Number
Xortag    315
Yatsufusa    69
LeafRivr    45
Noskilz    17
Archipelago71    11
Lord_of_Ants    11
Mundania    6
zmobieDementor    3
Scattaloquarious    3
LordVadar    3