Historical Collections

Whoompa Fur Pants collections
as of 2017-02-07
Player    Number
El Guapo    1,121
Sajer the Forgotten    106
Mistress of the Obvious    102
Darkling    100
Solve_Omnis    92
Magister30    56
agargan    49
Poncho the Sane    45
whizdad    43
ChevellemanX    40
Whoompa Fur Pants collections
as of 2014-01-17
Player    Number
El Guapo    1,040
Sajer the Forgotten    106
Darkling    100
Solve_Omnis    55
Dik    34
jenrose    33
Magister30    31
Nikademus    29
Pthere    27
bad_player    22
Whoompa Fur Pants collections
as of 2013-01-12
Player    Number
Darkling    100
Pthere    27
Pumpkinheadme    16
Lord Stefano    10
Nikademus    10
whizdad    8
Magister30    8
Chineselegolas    6
Solve_Omnis    6
Scattaloquarious    6