Historical Collections

Meat maid body collections
as of 2014-04-21
Player    Number
Lord Tasbo Tavoc    25,090
DarwinsBlade    1,000
Zanzibar1    666
imperator    358
Sylph Aldente    273
Nikademus    149
Mega Ogg Boolbar    132
sciFIwiZ    98
ElronBean    92
Grizzled the Grizzly    86
Meat maid body collections
as of 2008-03-27
Player    Number
Lord Tasbo Tavoc    25,090
imperator    358
Sylph Aldente    273
theKMT    116
ElronBean    92
Calatan    70
aspertame    69
Club    69
iatemyfoot    51
Clerric    49
Meat maid body collections
as of 2007-12-01
Player    Number
Lord Tasbo Tavoc    25,090
imperator    358
Sylph Aldente    273
theKMT    116
Calatan    70
Club    69
aspertame    69
Wicked J    56
Clerric    49
Antfattener    43
Meat maid body collections
as of 2007-07-31
Player    Number
Lord Tasbo Tavoc    25,090
imperator    358
Sylph Aldente    273
theKMT    116
Calatan    70
aspertame    69
Club    69
Wicked J    56
Clerric    49
Antfattener    43