Historical Collections

Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket collections
as of 2018-11-22
Player    Number
Muush    34,178
WalterEgo    29,527
John George RingoPaul    3,040
The_Holy_Fonz    2,372
CursedGrimoire    1,615
maddsurgeon    1,151
Pastahead    1,133
Raullen    792
Farflier    537
Higardi    423
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket collections
as of 2011-06-24
Player    Number
WalterEgo    16,384
Muush    14,936
CursedGrimoire    1,615
Raullen    792
Pastahead    490
Magnus Loki    329
MagFitch    236
MiniSizeMe    221
The_Holy_Fonz    219
pogonophobe    197
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket collections
as of 2008-09-22
Player    Number
Muush    6,450
STAppeR    2,380
John George RingoPaul    1,231
Magnus Loki    326
Kiraxa    248
MagFitch    236
CursedGrimoire    224
MiniSizeMe    221
prEtTy    200
art    129
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket collections
as of 2007-11-16
Player    Number
STAppeR    1,059
Muush    316
prEtTy    200
JekCromium    111
Artie Effham    75
Club    69
art    48
CursedGrimoire    39
slugBoy    37
Napoleon17    35
Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket collections
as of 2007-09-05
Player    Number
STAppeR    518
prEtTy    200
JekCromium    111
Muush    88
Toonami    41
MyStIcALVaMpIReLoRd    26
Club    22
art    20
BobbyMcBain    19
Slipy Slide    17